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Auf Der Maur - Auf Der Maur (2004) - Head Unbound

Head Unbound
Auf Der Maur
Auf Der Maur (2004)

Fall around the fire
And I
Fall around the fire
I hire in me for you
Hire in me for you

Fall around town, down
For the rest of the world to drown
For you'll calm down
To the rest of you falling down

On your hag

Falling down, with your head unbound
I'm falling down
down to your ground

Fall around town, down
For the rest of the world to drown
For you'll calm down
To the rest of you falling down

Fall around town, down
For the rest of the world to drown
For you'll calm down
To the rest of you falling down

On your hag

And I said you could hurt me no more
With your heart on the floor
I said you could hurt me no more
To the rest of the world it's sure
That you will hurt me no more
To the rest of the world you're surely hurting,
Surely hurting more

Falling down...
I'm falling down...
Downtown to your ground...



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