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And One - 9.9.99 9 Uhr (1998) - Men In Uniform

Men In Uniform
And One
9.9.99 9 Uhr (1998)

maybe we've no time to lose
to rest for a while
i never had the chance to say
thank you

i'm everything
i'm everywhere
always behind you
to save and protect
and i hope to hear you say ...

so feel me and see me - love me

these are the uniforms
white like snow - like innocence

pain is the price for devotion
devotion the price for pain
we are with you
to save and protect (to save and protect)
for the world beyond the river

we are the men in uniform
we are the blame right in the sun
we are the men in uniform

maybe one day i will give a sign
evidence for the existence of me of us
so feel me and see me - love me
you will believe
you must believe me
believe me



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