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Aion - Midian (1996) - Bleeding Heart

Bleeding Heart
Midian (1996)

I saw what happened close by.
Everybody saw, but nobody was
about to react.
We turned a blind eye to this cruel slaughter.

My soul is crying, is yearning for vengeance.
For murdered children, for raped women,
For tormented and executed men.
Why were they doning it,
Why were they killing like animals?
Lord, why did nobody stop them?
My heart bleeding, I pray for peace on our

My soul is crying, is yearning for vengence.
For murdered children, for raped women,
For tormented and executed men.

I saw what happened close by.
Everybody saw, but nobody was
about to react
We turned a blind eye to this cruel slaughter.

I know that when the GATES of HELL,
Which I saw close by, will open,
There will be nobody to help us.



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