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Absurd Minds - Damn The Lie (2001) - creators

Absurd Minds
Damn The Lie (2001)

long ago we were a perfect being, so we fall into
deep spheres, so called dreams. we had to find out
what it means to be the one or to be the other thing.
you are the process, we are the children.
you are the stage, we are the actors.

we are creators as well we are created ones.
we are the father, the same way we are the sons.
we are the actors, you are the stage.
our self is what we recreate.

the way we think has created our life. we are the total
of everything we§ve ever thought.
let's learn the art of dreaming.
let's have a nice dream and be the one
or be the other thing.

/* lyrics by Absurd Minds, transcribed by acidofil@teenage.cz */



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Koncert Absurd Minds & Immunology (17.04.2003)novinka

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