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Aborym - With No Human Intervention (2003) - Me(n)tal Striken Terror Action II

Me(n)tal Striken Terror Action II
With No Human Intervention (2003)

The program is always on the fucking screen
Robot pilots destroy the buildings
Burning bodies jump out the windows
The suicidal terrorist is the new idol

Mental Terror Action
Is the new infection
Mental Terror Action
Created illusion


That program is to die
By your own hands
That program is to fight
Against yourself

Let me offer my most humble obeisance
To the Supreme Lord of Destruction!

Never been on the fucking Moon
Never define the speed of light
Atom bomb into the fucking assholes
So many questions I haven't mentioned

The program is shining on the fucking screen
To be the slave of false ideologies
Better to believe in the anti-god
And watch everything from the inverted side

Mental Terror Action...

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